
Hi, I blog now.

My blog. I did it. I started a blog. It's only taken me, um, about three years to get this thing going. I think it's taken me so long because I had such high expectations for myself, thinking that everything had to be perfect before I posted anything for all to see. Reality check, that's never going to happen! So, here we are. Typos, bad grammar and poorly thought out blog posts! Hooray! I'll get better as I go on, right guys?

A brief history: My man (Joel), baby (Magnolia), two fur people (Rufus and Kiwi) and I moved to Portland, OR the end of June 2011. We currently live in a charming old farm house near the hipster hub that is Alberta Street. We're renting but are in the process of purchasing a cute little bungalow! My husband is a cardiology fellow at OHSU, (Translation: he works all the time... mostly for peanuts,) and our family is all over the place, mainly Arkansas, Iowa and Minnesota. I miss them terribly!

Me, my man and my baby.

Miss Magnolia Grace. 

I'm starting this blog now as a way to document and share with family and friends our home progress as we take on ANOTHER fixer-upper, let y'all keep up with Nolie and her adventures in Portland, and to share my creative ventures, be it cooking, decorating or designing. Oh, and hopefully it will help me keep the TV off. (Can I get an AMEN?) I don't expect to gain hundreds of readers or make any money. This is just for me and you. It's something to enjoy! As long as that happens, I'll be happy. Even if my mom and my sister are the only ones who read this, I'll be happy. (Hi, guys!)


1 comment:

  1. Don't over think it, we want to know all, anything is interesting. If you think its interesting, chances are others will do. from the heart is the way to fart.

    I'll be an avid reader. cheers!
